Saturday, December 5, 2009

Handicrafts Museum

Celebrate and sing! I awoke afresh and anew after 4-5 days of horrific jet lag, and it wasn't 4am, either! I did not let the rain scupper my plans and headed for the Kyoto Handicrafts Museum where I geeked out to demonstrations of screen painting, woodblock printing, lacquering - which uses deer antler powder, vegetarian fans - and the codes of the kimono.

The type and positioning of the pattern and the width and length of sleeves all denote the age/status of the wearer and the occasion. The dying process is incredibly long and complicated, and has about 14 stages, like all the other crafts on display, which was reflected in the prices in the souvenir shop, where I spent just under a month,s rent.

They wouldn't let me take pics, which is just as well as I no longer have wi-fi, nor the ability to produce apostrophes. Sad times. But I did wake up craving miso soup and rice balls for breakfast today, which is a plus.

I unashamedly luncheoned at Ye Olde Traditional Milano Pizzeria. JapGrub is nice and all, but inedible 3 times a day at this stage in the game.

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