Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sports Day

Rollup, roll up, it's the Minami Junior High Fiesta di Sportsia, commonly known as Sports Day.

Five teams, one hot September Saturday and eleventy hundred certificates, four trophies and three class flags are up for grabs. I'll probably get a prize just for showing up.

Pre-drummage huddle

Opening ceremony: sacrificial drumming

Post-drummage line-up. One member's blood will be sacrificed, then the games can begin!

Tensions are running high in the Athletes' Village

It's only 10am, but the School Nurse is gearing up for her busiest day of the year. Over the next six hours, a constant stream of injured Gladiators enter her healing realm to be bandaged up and shipped back out to the arena and the baying crowd. Legs gush with the blood of titans, an excess of gravel is removed from the knees, and the odd weeping kid is wrapped up in a tin foil blankie.

A few physical jerks to warm up

The Green Team, unaware of the gravity of the situation

The Oxford Blues, also not taking things seriously enough

A slow start to the Baby Relay

Only eight gypsies were maimed in the making of this skipping rope

Yellow and Green teams subtly infiltrate Red Enemy territory for Lunch

Time for the Dance of the Fishermen

It was THIS BIG!

The boys take a break for some Extreme Skipping

For The Win! Some of the teachers may have been taking this more seriously than the kids.

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