Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gamblers Anonomous

Pachinko amusement arcades, lined with rows of pinball and slot machines. Yes, I said slot.

Mostly an impenetrable audiovisual din of roaring machines, flashy lights, cigarette smoke and morally dubious anime. Sound fun? It's 40% of the Japanese leisure industry, turns over ¥30 trillion a year and is potentially funding the North Korean Reign of Terror from their 70%+ share in the market. What's wrong with a nice tea ceremony and a bit of ikebana.

I have not put a penny in this machine, I am just holding it for a friend.

I can haz won a prize!

Watermelon, watermelon, cherry...

So, we have an activity that promotes a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship, passive smoking, irreparable ear canal damage and our old friend, obsessive compulsive disorder. How could Nicholas Cage not be involved?

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