This is the most attractive one. They just get worse from here.
Unimpressed with the tour guide

Precisely 0.8 seconds ago this lot were all over me (ugh). They can sense the ripping open of a Green Tea flavour Kit Kat at 40 paces. Mind you, having tasted one, so can I.
Oh god, this lot were particularly mottled, unhappy and awful looking. Called to mind a very terrible passage from Heart of Darkness. Clearly, Conrad had been to Nara Deer Park.

Stop, Look, Listen & THINK.
Politely lined up, waiting for the Deer Bus.

Not entirely convinced that the one on the right isn't a dead kangaroo. Any thoughts?
The only stag I saw the whole day. Look at it. A portrait of nihilism.
Doh! A deer.
A female deer.
A sarcastic deer.
This one kept emitting a high pitched wailing noise, echoing a passing motorbike. Or was it a cry for help?
This one is on a suicide mission, just waiting for a Toyota to come along and end it all. I left her to it.

A few "celebrity" deer have accidentally frolicked their way into this post. The first to email me a complete list, identifying all four, will win a prize. Please enclose a bankers draft for £14.99 in my name, and a glossy 8x10 of yourself. Swimwear optional.
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